Sustainability report 2023

Sustainability report 2023

Veritas group of companies’ Sustainability Report is now published for the fourth time, this time around with some changes in focus. It comprehends both our sustainability statement of accounts and our sustainability report in itself. This aims to make information more easily accessible and allow stakeholders to have a better overview of our non-financial indicators. We also took a sharper focus and adopted clearer indicators and binding actions.

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CSR policies

Veritas is concerned with showing social responsibility, managing the company's environmental impact and working towards sustainability. We consider it important to keep the negative impact of the company's and subsidiaries' operations on the environment to a minimum. The company joined Festa, a center for corporate social responsibility, in 2020 and work has begun on preparing a social report, which deals with the environmental, social and economic aspects of the company (ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance factors). Emphasis is also placed on treating women, men and people of different nationalities and races equally, with respect and equality in mind.

Environmental policy

Veritas Environmental Policy’s goal is to release as little as possible pollution and reduce the burden to the environment and natural resources by minimising any negative environmental impacts resulting from our corporative activities. The ecological perspective will prevail in all components of our operations and decision-making.

Our environmental policy can be found here.


Equality is of paramount importance to us and soon we will be publishing the new equality policy of Veritas and subsidiaries. Veritas has been awarded with the Equality Scale 2020 of FKA (The Icelandic Association of Women Business Leaders) and the Golden seal of PwC´s Equal Pay Audit in 2015 and 2020. We are proud of these recognitions.

Veritas' corporate values

These values are the results of a team work on corporate values where all company employees were involved. The values serve as guiding light for our employees in their daily work and are symbolized by these logos:


As part of the company’s social responsibility, Veritas supports a variety of charities and good causes in the Icelandic community, with its largest donation being announced in December each year. A group within the company meets on a regular basis to discuss and develop the company’s donations policy.

Requests for donations to your charity or good cause can be sent to