Economy Turnover 2014 til 2020 Turnover and gross margin EBIT 2014-2020 Balance sheet 2014-2020 Key figures Tax footprint - Guðrúnarborg


Sterk fjárhagsleg staða og samfélagsleg ábyrgð

Veritas plays an important role by importing, marketing, and distributing medicinal products, medical devices, and other products for the Icelandic health care system. Hence, it is crucial for Veritas to keep its financial bolster to be able to cope with economic fluctuations and crisis as those experienced by the Icelandic society in recent years. Veritas earnings have been constantly increasing throughout the years, reaching ISK 24.9 billion in 2020. At the same time, Veritas strong financial position has also improved. Veritas assets were ISK 10.2 billion, stockholder's equity ISK 3.5 billion, and equity ration 34.6% by end of 2020. Therefore, Veritas is a good shape to perform the important role our group of companies play in catering to the needs of the Icelandic health care system.

Kjartan Steinsson, CFO at Veritas


*Guðrúnarborg is the parent company of Veritas Capital and the real estate company Hávarðsstaðir.

Veritas rents all of Hávarðsstaðir‘s real estate properties for its operations, Hávarðsstaðir‘s real estate taxes are therefore a part of Veritas's tax footprint